Hello guys, try and go to this link --> It's basically about physics. It's fun btw. Try and click the samurai's face and you will be brought to another website and you will be tested on what you've learned.

Have fun with Physics :)


The principle rays are introduced and students draw scaled ray diagrams to predict the nature, position, size and orientation of real and virtual images formed by concave and convex lenses and mirror. Magnification is defined and this is related to the distance of the image and the object from the lens or mirror. 

What you need ?
10 cm focal length convex lens and lens holder, 10 cm focal length concave mirror and mirror holder, Candle, screen, nail or base and stem of slotted masses, 10 cm focal length concave lens and lens holder, 10 cm focal length concave mirror and mirror holder, 10 cm focal length convex mirror and mirror holder   


Students use what they have learned about images formed by lenses to investigate those formed by curved mirors. Very little direction is given in this experiment as it parallels the previous one on lenses. 

What you need ?
10 cm focal length concave mirror and mirror holder, 10 cm focal length convex mirror, Candle and Screen, Nail or base and stem of 50 g slotted masses   


Students investigate the real and virtual images formed by concave and convex lenses. The method of parallax to locate images is first developed using real images formed by a convex lens and then proven to be true by projecting the images onto a screen. The position of the object is changed and the effect on the nature, position, size and orientation is investigated. Parallax is then used to locate virtual images formed by convex and concave lenses. 

What you need ?
10 cm focal length convex lens and lens holder, 10 cm focal length concave lens, Candle and screen, A block of wood with a large thick nail that protrudes above the lens when in the holder or the base and stem of 50 g slotted masses   

We've tried the other day and it showed that when using the concave lens, the image can be clearly seen on the screen and with the same size but when with convex, the image is magnified.


Hi guyss, try this out. It's coool :D

Students set up two plane mirrors touching at one edge and vary the angle between them. They find the relationship between the number of images formed and the angle between the mirrors.